For any cousins, distant or otherwise, who might find their way to this blog, this summary of family posts is for you.
- Maybe yes, maybe no
Finding the gravesite of Arnold Aldrich and his daughter Rebecca.
- Maybe yes, maybe no: Part 2 and Let there be light
Finding and photographing the gravesite of Arnold’s wife, Anna Marie Gilpin, was more difficult.
- Take only memories and Let there be (more) light
Timothy Aldrich and Lucina, parents of Arnold, were early settlers in this part of Ohio.
- Wednesday’s child: Aldrich daughter
The infant daughter of Timothy Aldrich, son of Arnold and Anna Marie.
- 1880: When John met Fannie
What might the 1880 census reveal about how John Voller met his future wife, Fannie Harlow?
- Aunt Marian’s little white lie
Evidence (albeit scant) that Marian Voller, daughter of John and Fannie, lied about her age to her second husband, George Heron.
- Obituary: Fannie Voller
Fannie’s obituary from front page of The Lebanon Press.
- Fannie’s fraudulent treatment
Fannie was treated for her cancer by someone who was most likely a quack.
- Obituary: John Voller
John’s obituary from The Franklin Chronicle, many years after Fannie’s death.

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