Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wednesday’s child: Gorrell boys

Reading the inscriptions on the simple tablet markers, I realized that I was standing at the graves of three young boys, apparently brothers, who died within months of each other.

Did disease strike the Gorrell household in 1846?

John A. son of
L.&C. Gorrell
died July 28, 1846;
aged 1 yr. 1 mo.
& 19 ds.

Samuel son of
L.&.C Gorrell
died Sept 28, 1846
aged 5 ys. 7 mo.
& 29 ds.

William son of
L.&C. Gorrell
died Oct. 28, 1846;
aged 7 ys. 5 mo.
& 17 ds.

Though I have no supporting evidence, the boys’ father, “L.,” may be Levi Gorrell (d. 1853), whose grave lies with them. I found no grave for “C.,” their mother.

Newhouse Cemetery, Delaware County, Ohio

1 comment:

  1. It's so sad to think that losing a child was so commonplace for our ancestors and to lose three children in such a short time is truly tragic.
    It makes you deeply respect their resilience of spirit......


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