Former Councilman Passes to His Reward
John Voller, for many years active in financial and industrial circles of Franklin, died at his home on Second street, last Friday morning, at the age of 78 years.
Mr. Voller for many years was superintendent of the Harding Paper company, and was always interested in the betterment of conditions in Franklin. For 22 years he served on the village council and was one of the founders of the Miami Valley Building and Loan Association and the Warren National Bank.
John Voller was born in Haselmere, Surrey county, England, and came to the United states when he was 23 years of age.
In 1881 he was united in marriage to Miss Fannie Harlow, of Covington [sic], Massachusetts. Mrs. Voller preceded him in death about 21 years ago.
Surviving him are three daughters, Mrs. S.P. Mayer, Miss Charlotte Voller, both of Franklin, and Mrs. G.W. Brubaker, of Atlanta, Georgia; three sons, Harry, of Franklin, G.H., of Skull Valley, Ariz, J.W. of Ft. William, Ontario; one sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Morley, and one brother, Henry, both of Haselmere, England.
Funeral services were held at the residence Tuesday afternoon, conducted by Rev. Willis S. Webb, of the First Baptist church. Burial was made in Woodhill cemetery.
—From The Franklin Chronicle, Franklin, Ohio.
John Voller died December 31, 1926.
John and Fannie are interred in the
mausoleum at Woodhill Cemetery, Franklin, Ohio |